Edukasyon Online Academy Learning Hub
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In the heart of a fireman, brave and true,
Lies a love, once vibrant, now subdued.
A tale unfolds, from the movie FireProof,
Of a marriage tested, seeking truth.
"Fireproof" follows the story of Caleb Holt, a firefighter whose marriage to his wife Catherine is on the verge of collapse. Through a 40-day challenge called "The Love Dare," Caleb learns to prioritize his relationship, rediscover love, and rebuild his marriage, ultimately finding redemption and renewal in their commitment to each other.
In my chthonic dwelling place,
I might imagine forging peace from scorn,
I might imagine shaping forms for horns and bells,
I might imagine making hate bow before darkening my door.
I can imagine it done.
I can imagine living in a mound I paid to have made,
I can imagine finding funding in a lottery ticket that blows by.
my house could be buried.
It would be fire proof, but I can not pay to do the job.
In faith, they find a beacon bright,
In love, they find their shared might.
"Fireproof," a tale of love's test,
A reminder that love is truly the best.